maybe it's time to think of some contingency plans. it's been 7 weeks since no running and it's really been a bummer. every day i wake up thinking that everything is going to get better today but i wish sometimes that i didn't want to get better anymore. yesterday was the first day of IMLP training...which will have to get pushed back to who knows when. i need to decide when is the absolute cut-off point for deciding not to do IMLP. and then really really pray that i don't get to that point! i love running on christmas morning and on esthermas morning but it seems like that is not going to happen. i finally gave in and am working on booking an appointment with a sports orthopaedic surgeon. i was a little scared off from seeing sports doctors b/c the last time i saw one, he told me, "maybe you're just not meant to be a runner." so of course i had to prove him wrong! but i don't want to be told that again. we'll see.
on a random note, since i'm a veggie lover, here is the cutest t-shirt that my little brother showed me from

I've seen 20 week "beginners" ironman training schedules. Obviously not exactly what you were hoping for but it's something.
March 8th would be 20 weeks out I think.
BTW: Beginner and ironman are 2 words that don't go together in my book.
You will get there!
That's a cute shirt! You'll be fine. You were meant to run! I will look at the Fink book and look into some kind of modification of the plan.
I hope you heal up in time for IMLP.
You should join facebook. Hours of time wasted. the perfect distraction!
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