i went to the doctor's today hoping/expecting he would give me either:
1) a shot and say, "ok all better!"
2) a butt-cast..that would be funny!
3) info that i already knew, e.g., that my leg pain was muscular and i needed to chill out. or that i am not supposed to run, ever.
but i braved the snowstorm anyway to go all the way to mid-town to my appointment and to get an x-ray. after telling him a little peevishly that it originally starting hurting "here" (pointing to my right sit-bone) and sometimes "here" (pointing to my right hamstrings) but lately has been hurting "here" (pointing to my left hip) and a few days ago "here" (pointing to my left and right ankles), he poked around a bit, took a look at my x-ray and said, "this is interesting! just what i thought." a stress fracture on my sit-bone. i stress fractured my butt!
my first thought was, "this is going to take forever." i sat down on the step stool (i don't know why i sat there instead of on a chair) and started crying. this is not what i want to hear! what a girl. he said it probably happened if i suddenly changed positions when i ran/biked. he was actually quite animated in explaining how exactly one gets a stress fracture and was very encouraging, showing me that it was already healing and that once you get a stress fracture, your body adds bone outside of that area so that as you heal, you actually get stronger than before. and that i can do any exercise so long as it doesn't require putting a lot of sudden pressure on my right foot, meaning i can swim, bike (!!), lift. i'm not quite sure why he says i can do all that if my stress fracture was caused by my hamstrings pulling from different places unevenly. i need to get a better bike fit and a new seat that's wider and more comfy.. G suggested i get a bike seat w/ a donut! how awesome would that be.
other things that help are acupuncture, yoga, a ton of stretching, and no more anti-inflammatories since for your bone to heal, inflammation is good. now that i am cleared to swim and bike, i am feeling better. the most worrying part about IMLP- and i'm assuming that i'm still doing it- is the bike so i'll be glad to give it a try.
i feel better knowing what's up although not excited about waiting even longer to get better. i am seriously racking my brain trying to figure out what exactly i did to get myself into this mess b/c i want to prevent it as much as possible next time. perhaps it's a combination of not warming-up and cooling-down properly, not stretching enough, not weight-training, even perhaps not giving myself off-days (which i hate to admit). i was frustrated b/c i felt like i was actually fixing my bike and run positioning..but i guess my body is not as strong as my mind.
after the doctor's appointment, i really really didn't want to swim b/c of the snow, but then i wanted to do cm's "snowman" swim. i believe i got it all done but in a different order, more like "nnowmas" b/c i was impatient to do the 500s and not excited about the scull. i did 3 or the 4x25's w/o breathing and have to check on the length of the pool b/c it seems too big for a 25yd but my times were not right for a 25m. btw, not breathing does a lot for streamlining! i have been wondering why i feel like i'm not on my game at the chelsea pool and i think it's b/c the pool is so dirty. talk about a hairball family! but if i can swim well there it will be good for me. although it would also be good for me to stop drinking the water every time i breathed. someone got into an interesting-but-lengthy conversation with me about relating the economy and astrology and spirituality, then the lifeguard, since he "likes my attitude", gave me an art book. i think i need to practice my "don't talk to me unless you want your head bitten off" face.
there is so much i want to try- like the water polo class at the dirty pool and G's inten-sati class that she loves so much. but i guess i have enough to keep me entertained for a while.
Oh man, I'm so sorry to hear that. Don't worry, you have plenty of time before IMLP. Keep up your fitness with swimming and biking and the run will come back when you are healed. I promise!
I can give you some hints on how you got a stress fracture. Going from not as much run training to lots of run training with intensity or distance almost every day probably didn't help. Poor bike fit. Riding the trainer sideways. Not stretching enough. Not recovering enough or taking enough easy days (real easy ones 1hour runs do not count!)
All that being said, you can learn from all of this and make this your first and LAST stress fracture. And the good news is that it is already healing because you have already layed off the running. Yeah!
Can you water run?
When you said you stress fractured your butt, I thought it was pretty darn funny...Of all the things to stress fracture...
And my word verification on this comment is "suckerod". I think that is funny.
Hey you aren't going to believe this. I just checked my butt and IT'S CRACKED TOO!!! :-)
I'm glad that you know the real source of the pain now. It kind of helps stick to the healing plan when you know it's the right thing to do.
I guess Dance Dance Revolution is out for the New Year's party?
Oh yeah, did you ask the doctor if you are allowed to do stripping and lap dance lessons? he he! I would like to see you get that out with a straight face!
sb and cm, the comedian team.. very funny =o)
To my fellow "P.I.T.A. (pain in the ass)....rest up and follow the doctor's orders. Hopefully you will be well enough to join me for the inten sati workshop on Jan 25th.
SO so sorry to hear the news :( I am almost 1 year exact from my fracture (Dec 28th, but not diagnosed until Feb), but I finished my first marathon 10 months post-fracture, so there is hope!
I learned so much about myself, my body and my training during/after my injury, so take the time to heal and listen to your body. Let it heal completely and be smart- you will come back stronger and smarter in the long run!
Good luck and happy holidays!
hello! this is very late but i happened to come across your post through a google search. I wa wondering how long it took for your full recovery and if it ever hurts anymore. I am experiencing the same thing and cant seem to find any exact answers! Thank you so much
Hi hannah, I know this is a really old thread, but how long did ur stress fracture take to heal? I have on right now after having had hamstring surgery and it seems like there's no end.
Hi hannah, I know this is a really old thread, but how long did ur stress fracture take to heal? I have on right now after having had hamstring surgery and it seems like there's no end.
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