i've put away my running shoes for a while and decided that i may as well buy a new swimming suit since i'll be spending more time in the pool and my old one had been starting to fall off me a few months ago. so for the first time in 10 or so years i bought myself a one-piece that doesn't make me look like a 13 year old girl..and it feels
so nice to swim and not feel my suit fluttering in the water. way to go, hydrodynamics! that and working on a pushup regimen- that i just found out i am doing wrong since i can't go all the way down- is really helping me to feel stronger in the water. sb, G and i did 12x50 pull on 0:30 yesterday and we were rocking those. sb and i had started out doing them in about 0:26 about a month ago and now are down to 0:21 and 0:22. and during today's swim w/ tnya i actually hit my personal best of 1:26(ish)on a 100. although note to self: don't do pushups
before swim. it feels so good to be actually working towards something better rather than working on recovering!
speaking of the latter, sunday's swim started out w/ 30 mins pool running with cm's brother paul. i felt like i was working out with someone famous from the way cm talks about him. he was doing real pool running and rather quickly and i was doing this half-run half-sculling thing to keep up w/ him so we could chat. i know, i know, no cheating. but it was fun. my legs were actually tired after pool running and swimming w/ fins yesterday. but it felt so nice to be using my legs.
i got a strict reminder from cm to stick w/ im training schedule as much as possible even if it means not getting to work out w/ the thph crew. ::sigh:: she is right.
and for christmas from my favorite boyfriend, i got an HR monitor! it is so cute.. it's pink! can't wait to use it!
Wahoo! 1:26.
I'm never going to catch you!
Yeah for new stuff! That new suit looks so good on you!
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