the acupuncture is actually working, and so is resting, sitting on heat packs and taking hot baths. resting is such a tough job! the acupuncture guy told me to buy a donut to sit on and i finally gave in after he nagged me a couple times. i was so embarrassed to ask for it at the drug store and pretended it was for my grandma but when i actually used it at work.... "haaaalelujah!" WOW. you have no idea how much sitting on your butt is tiring on your butt until you get one of these! i loved it so much i bought one for my car, shamelessly going to the drug store, browsing amongst the canes and wheelers and feeling like by the time i am really an old lady, i'll be well equipped.
i can't wait to be 100% better but feel like my body has been teaching me a very tough lesson to listen. i was rather amused by myself when i was laying on the acupuncture table w/ needles in my butt, recounting to the acupuncturist that i had run edinburgh marathon and the nyc marathon and was trying to go faster so i hurt myself and couldn't do chicago or disney..and then was trying to run philly but hurt myself training so i couldn't do it. that was finally when i realized, i guess it's time to train smart. duh!
but i can finally swim w/ less pain. i went to watch cm's meet with sb and when cm asked me to count her 1500 i was like, "heck no! i can barely count to 200" as sb can testify during our practice that morning. thank goodness we had those signs that you can use to change the numbers..but still i was pretty nervous and trying to concentrate on counting her laps while my neighbour chatted in my ear. cm's santa suit certainly stood out among the plain speedos and i felt so proud of her that she was going to do well and have fun. cm did a fantastic job as usual and sb took 134312748301957 photos as usual. then i got my free and fly videotaped for only $10, very well spent. top 2 things to learn for both strokes are to:
1) swim in a tube (smaller kicks, don't go so deep w/ your arms, don't move your head too much)
2) focus on moving forward rather than up and down (makes sense, doesn't it)
it was actually a pleasant surprise to watch my fly since i feel like i'm flailing all over the place when i swim fly, and i actually looked like i knew what i was doing. whew!
sunday i swam a bit w/ cm until she got pooped, then we did abs and stretches (thank goodness for cm's stretches) until G and sb got to the pool. since EVERYONE wanted to time their 1500s i thought why not and had a lot of fun. i believe i finished in 26:10 which i thought was rather miraculous considering i hadn't worked out consistently for about 5 weeks (gasp!) but it feels soo good to swim. the 3 of them had to practically pull me out of the water afterwards but i'm glad i was told to stop b/c i was running out of gas.
on a side note, i dug up some old photos.
this is my funny family a couple years ago, although my now sister-in-law is missing:
here's my brother and sister-in-law a few christmases ago, giving me the garment steamer that i subsequently brought to england and broke upon usage the first time b/c i didn't understand the difference between an adapter and a converter.
here is me jumping into a "holy" lake in tibet, apparently the highest lake in the world and you weren't allowed to swim in it..but it looked so beautiful i had to go in!

this is when my friends in london decided to throw me a surprise party and hire a stripper. i was so embarrassed!
I love the stripper photo! Yeah for Esthermas!
Maybe you should call the manufacturer of these donuts and ask them if they'd be willing to sponsor you for next season!
i'm commenting coz i was told to. strippers are gross. i promise never to do that to you. :P
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