Sunday, August 24, 2008

Power Outage

Saturday was a blur. E and I ran at 5:30AM for 1.5hrs, then got to the beach at 9AM, got back to my place at 3PM, then we were at Newark at 7PM, and finally back at my place by 11PM. It is funny how she does not mention that she mostly slept while I was driving. Such short memory... But it was all a good time. The weather was excellent all day!

On Sunday, I slept in until 7:30AM, then went to the gym to lift weights. Then back home, to get my bike. I had to meet E and the rest of the Aquaholics for a bike/run workout. So I rode my bike to meet them at the Round Valley Park, which is 18mi away from home, with some good hills on the way. Only Maija and E were there to do the workout. We rode for 17mi, and then ran for perhaps 5mi. It was all good, and my legs did not feel dead when we did the brick.

Then I rode back home. I knew before starting that it was going to be a struggle, but I wanted to ride tired, so that I can get used to it. Well, I got what I was looking for, as the heat was really getting to me (it was past 2PM at this point). The only thing that kept me going was the knowledge that I would get home to a nice shower, and then rest with the A/C on.

Well, I made it home alright. But there was a blackout in my block. So I got my rest with no A/C!!! And with all the sun that I took, my body was really dissipating some heat. So I was feeling like crap for a while. It was very anticlimatic. I can do crazy workouts, but I need some comfort when I get done. And we did not get power back until 8:30PM!

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