So Saturday morning I dropped the hiker at the airport, then went to the post office to mail all the packages that she gave me just before leaving. There was a huge line at the post office at 9AM. It is like everybody thinks to go at the same time. I'm sure that it was empty at 10AM; it had to be, with so many people in line early. Oh well.
I went home and made the mistake of turning on the TV to the Olympics. All of the sudden, I'm watching stuff like handball (played that in high school), volleyball, women saber, and so on. And watching all these athletic displays, it dawned on me that I had not done my workout yet! It was time to get on the bike. I rode my bike from my home in Hillsborough to the Washington Crossing Park in PA. It was such a gorgeous day, that I just stayed in the park for 2 hrs, wishing that I had brought my running shoes with me. I really went all out on my way home, and my lower back hurt when I got home. Took a shower, went out for dinner with some friends, and then to bed.
I woke up Sunday with a stiff lower back. After a hot shower and some stretching, I went running for 3 hrs. The weather was ok, but it was getting overcast quickly. My lower back pain came back with a vengeance, and now my shoulders and neck were hurting too. So I went to get a massage. This has never been part of my training, and now that I had one, I don't know why. I was so relaxed and loose after it, that I was spaced out. I look forward get one every two weeks.

This morning I went to the pool early again, and then did the Masters class. I guess that I need to rethink doing that on Mondays. By the time the class started, I was tired. And I guess the coach was inspired by the 4x100m men relay last night (awesome btw), and wanted us to embrace our inner Phelps or Lezak. He had us sprinting 4x25m, 4x50m, 4x75m, 4x25, 2x50, and 1x100, with pulling in between sets. At that point though, I was embracing my inner anchor, and was more likely to end up in the bottom of the pool than to swim fast.
Geek factoid: it is not the weight of the anchor that holds a ship in position, but the weight of the chain. I have always found funny that they call the last person on a relay team the anchor. So is this person supposed to be slow? I went to a maritime academy, and every year, the person that graduates with the lowest GPA is called the Anchorman. When they get to his/her diploma, they stop the ceremony, announce his name as the anchorman, and then hand him a prize. For the prize, every classmate gives $2 dollar in pennies, and this is handed to him during the graduation ceremony in two sacks full of pennies. Good times!
Aren't you glad that you are reading all this stuff? But then again, I'm the KOTB!
i can't believe she didn't block access when she is gone! She'll learn ;-)
I guess since she left on your birthday it serves her right that you are KOTB!
I can't believe you swam for 2 hours today! When I saw your car still there when I pulled up, I was wondering what on earth you were still doing there...
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