chilling & working out w/ thph is so fun. we had our new years/esthermas party, where sb and G made these "e" cookies (all of which were MINE):
here is bob mad b/c i won't share my cookies (this is my shameless attempt to get him to comment):
A bought me a camera for my birthday!
and the girls and guys posing:
this is my favorite picture of the evening:
and maija wrote me the best birthday card ever.
cm, sb, G and i swam together on friday. after a day off recovering from my 1 + 0.5 + 0.5 drinks, i wanted to try the 10x100 on 1:45 portion of my birthday swim which i had done in houston but wasn't sure of the pool length. sb and i started off strong, and after my first 100 i gasped, "holy sh*t i just did 1:30!" i was surprised b/c it was a great time for me but i wasn't feeling tired at all, just smooth and relaxed. the next 9 were tough ones and sb HAD to beat me on the 10th one, so it's on, buddy!!
then saturday, G swam while i pool ran/slept and i got to sneak into her inten-sati class. the web site looked a bit intimidating but i had so much fun. it was kind of like step aerobics/kickboxing but you get to shout affirmations while you're punching the air and jumping. it's fun b/c you get to enjoy -- well, yourself, and you feel like you're playing.
A and i made a trip to MD and back for a wedding so he got to put up with my crankiness in the car for 7 hours. what a patient man...good thing i am so cute (?)
sunday, we swam again. swimming is so addictive. G and i did our set together while sb and cm did 10x100's w/ 10 seconds rest. i had a lot of fun swimming w/ G! we did fins and fun drills and i think G is the fastest learner i've ever met. i taught her my version of flipturns and she kind of watched me and we did a few together and in about 5 minutes she was about as good as me. she's going to beat me very very soon, and i'll be so proud of her! cheering her on while trying desperately to speed up...
cm helped me figure out a modified imlp training plan. today's plan was to bike for 1:45. i was feeling a little bit nauseous and dizzy this morning but didn't push it on the bike. the stress fracture is still bugging me but not as much as before. i'm not so sure if i will end up doing imlp but may as well train for it b/c i really really want to do it.
happy one-year anniversary to the A and e team!
Don't short change yourself! the main reason I caught on to the flip turns so quickly was because of your excellent instruction. Hey...maybe that is what "e" should stand for...EXCELLENT! Yes! I think so!
BTW, the day that I can swim as fast as you (sans fins), I will throw a big celebration with you as the guest of honor...or perhaps we could get matching swim suits or something really girly! :-)
Also, I know that with your focus and determination, we will most definitely be cheering you on at IMLP. One day at a time.
Happy 1 yr anniversary you and A!
we could get matching swim suits...AND we could eat matching cookies.
You weren't supposed to push it on the bike no matter what REMEMBER??????????
I think we should all get matching splish suits but in different colors with different sayings and with our names on the butts! So, sort of matching...but not really. Maybe the same design...
Happy 1 year!
Next time you go to Intensati--"I will get Bob to comment on my blog" can be your mantra!
I like the "matching but not matching" suit idea! Very cute! Now I need to come up with a cookie design that can be our trademark thph cookie for our "get togethers". Ideas???
OK, you win, I will post a comment here. Hmm, what should I say. Oh, I put in for my volunteer assignments at Lake Placid today. I might be handing out drinks on the course again. I'm taking 48 hours off from any exercise hoping my side will stop hurting. OK, and I promise to post again.
dude those cookies look awesome...did you save any for ME!
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