Wednesday, October 22, 2008

my non-non imaginary friend

tuesday's swim was much better than last week, after i realized that i was feeling like i was dragging b/c i was literally dragging wearing a kid-sized swim suit that was too big. my legs were not too sore and i had some time to kill since swim ends so early so i did a relaxing 5 mile job meandering around central park. autumn is gorgeous!

A and i did a track workout together this morning. if my life was a movie, i would have heard ominous music playing in the background on our way to the track. i felt like i was going to my punishment, since i knew i'd be dragging behind A, and imaginary sb for that matter, regardless of how hard i pushed it. but then, doing track workout w/ A was my idea.

sb and i had gotten into an interesting conversation earlier this week about how you need to "not be afraid to fail" when you try to run fast; supposedly you should discover that your limits are not what you think. i have a hard time pushing it on short distances, partly b/c i keep thinking that i may need to use my energy reserves say, if a monster chases me on my way home. anyway, i decided to give it a try, but primarily for the 400s.

1200m: my time 5:02 (sb's 5:23, 4:53 2 weeks ago) i think i can catch imaginary s.b. on his C- or D game days!
800m: my time 3:22 (sb's 3:16, 3:06 2 weeks ago)
400m: my time 1:32 (sb's 1:23, same 2 weeks ago)

1200m: my time 5:09 (sb's 4:51, 4:53 2 weeks ago)
800m: 3:21. funny story here! i saw a bunny hopping across the track and thought, "look, there's maija!"
400m: 1:27. my fastest 400 time EVER!

on the 400's i decided to let myself try to run w/o being afraid of failing. i imagined my heart literally jumping out of my throat onto the floor, and me puking on the side but thought, if that is the worst that can happen then that is not so bad and it will have to be after i finish the 400. my quads were burning on the last 400 and i thought, what an odd sensation to have while running! i was really happy about the last 400 b/c my first timed track workout, i was 1:50. hooray for baby steps!

i conveniently did not get to sb's last 200 so didn't believe A when he wanted to do it at the end. A was a fantastic running buddy, not letting me talk down to myself and cheering for me and saying "nice job!" while he waited (...and waited..and waited) for me to get to the finish line. it was so nice to chase after someone real instead of imaginary!

then we jogged home and A went to the fitness center- i wouldn't call it a "gym"- and i went to spin "no room for slackers." a cadence meter & basic HR monitor would be a fantastic birthday gift, hint hint, in 69 days.


catmarlson said...

Nice workout!
I'll be asking for your times to chase after in a week or so.

m said...

Good job at the track! No running tomorrow missy...

esther said...

hehe. too late!

m said...

Okay no running TOMORROW!!!!!!