Sunday, July 27, 2008

Of buoys and ants

We participated in the NJ State Tri today. It was really fun altogether. E kicked my ass by 12 minutes. Way to go hon! I'm sure she will post her thoughts on the matter, but here is my race report.

Swim: The water temperature was really nice, my strokes were long and steady, and my body position was OK. Now, if I could only find the third triangular buoy! For the life of me, I could not see it. And I had to wait for somebody from the other wave to pass me, so I could follow him. Going into the race, I was expecting to swim in 35 minutes (yeah, even my goal was lame). Actual time: 38:06.

T1: So I make it to my station, where I had set up my shoes on top of my white towel. What do I see all over the towel and shoes? Fire ants. Now this was getting interesting... Should I look at my shoes closely to see if there are ants inside, losing more time than necessary? Or just go for it, and hope not to be bitten? Oh well, I went for it. I just shook the towel in the air, and left. 2:39 minutes

Bike: After clipping in, I kept looking down at my legs and feet, half expecting an ant attack. Nothing. This kept me distracted for the first 2 miles, when I realized that I was just doing 18MPH. That wont do. Got serious, and picked up the pace. I had biked the course 3 times before, so I was very familiar with it. Even with some headwind in the last few miles, I did a respectable 20.7 MPH. 1:07:09.

T2: I saw less ants, but I did not care. Did change my socks, as they were really wet, and I don't need blisters. 2:14

Run: OK, this was really bad. I did not stop, but I felt like I was going to have a terrible cramp whenever I tried to pick it up. So I was going slow. Really slow. I need to go back to the drawing board with my brick training. Any suggestions? 56:48 minutes, 9:10 pace. #$%$!@!

Total Time: 2:46:54

Overall, it was really fun. Congrats to Maija on 2nd place overall. The whole event was really well run. Thanks to the folks at CGI Racing for their efforts, and to all the volunteers that helped. I would also like to thank Matt and Genine, who spent their Sunday morning taking pictures of all of the Aquaholics competing in the race. Thanks a lot guys!


esther said...

way to go, A!! you did great!

m said...

Good job out there! I can't believe about the ants!

The brick training--do you practice running goal race pace off the bike after having the same race nutrition?

Maggs said...

Good job on the race, and yeah, make sure when you run off the bike, you run like you mean it. 10 min hard is sometimes better than 30 min easy, and nutrition is important, even in oly distance.

Sounds like it was a fun race. you guys are lucky you have so many olympic and half ironman distance races near you.