not the michigan wolverine..the wolverine in x-men who can heal himself. how cool would that be!
it turns out that the hip issues are a bigger deal than i had thought, and i am actually an undercover senior citizen. after a couple more tests, the dr says i was born with uneven hips and have "crappy" bone density, will develop arthritis soon and so, need surgery to push the right hip into the joint. the dr said i should never run again and prescribed some physical therapy, where the therapist said i could start running a little bit every day. so of course i have been trying to run every day and i am shuffling along slowly, but shuffling along nonetheless! my training now consists of running a little bit, running in the water and swerving around the elderly in the slow lane, doing all sorts of funny looking PT-prescribed stretches and workouts at home, strength training (w/ sb and G's incredibly fun pushup and abs challenges), sati and swimming. still not sure about IMLP but will just do my best and decide sooner or later.
although i will never wish to go through it again, this whole ordeal has turned out to be a good experience. i've promised to give my body a rest one day a week and am working towards balancing my life more. i don't remember when my life started to be scheduled around training but after being out of action, i realize how important and rewarding it is to balance my life and give myself space and time to think about other things, spend time with friends and family, focus on my future re: my job and where i want to be, and just chill out.
in fun news, my swim time has gotten better largely thanks to swimming with super-fast aaron who gives me hard times to meet and then patiently waits for me to finish, gasping and cursing at him. we're doing the 100x100's next sunday at rutgers and BOB IS GOING TO SWIM IT TOO (another lame attempt to get bob to comment)! i think you put yourself in lanes with specific intervals so i was thinking of 2:00 intervals. i wanted to get ready for it so swam 7000 today although i cheated a bit w/ the pool toys, and now have my shoulder wrapped in a nifty shoulder ice pack that A gave me a while ago. 10,000 yds is going to be the most i've ever swum but if that's 400 lengths, i did 350 lengths before in a 27m pool in london (too lazy to do the math here) a couple years ago so maybe it won't be so bad. i would prefer to do it all at once without waiting on the intervals since waiting makes me nervous. actually, a lot of things make me nervous but i'm working on them...i get nervous when i swim with a lot of people i don't know who are very fast - like during a tri - and when i get nervous i keep inhaling without exhaling and my body feels like one stiff board. so the 100x100's on sunday should be good practice in trying to relax while swimming with a lot of strangers. i'm pretty psyched, admittedly more for the taper and the carbo-load than the actual event!